Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Late Blog

Man, I really need to get better about writing in this thing to document Caleb's milestones...

He sure is changing so much lately! His tippy toes are just not touching the edge of the exersaucer and he's getting to the point where he doesn't need a pillow or a blanket behind him when he's in it. They say once a baby hits 4 months old, they have what is called a wakeful period. Apparently they get all excited about being aware of this new world they have yet to see and don't want to sleep. Well, he has hit that apparently. He hates taking his naps. I'm a little scared that he's too dependent on his swaddle. Last weekend I tried to get him to take naps without it and it took forever for him to fall alsleep if he did at all- and I'm not brave enough to try that at bed time. I value the sleep he lets me have!!

He gets his 4 month shots next Friday and I dread these times. I'm going to ask the doctor about getting him on baby food. Pamela noticed this too, he just does not seem full at all. He eats almost 8 oz a day on formula/breast milk and a couple hours later he acts like he is just starving again. It's frustrating for him, us and our formula bill! At $21.00 for a thing of formula- OUCH. I actually told Pamela to go ahead with feeding him some baby food- which means I'll have to pick some more up this weekend for him. I don't want my poor baby boy to be hungry. I'm sure after your stomach is stretched out enough you want something more than fluid and cereal.

My mom seems to think he's getting a little pudgy and that I should ask the doctor about giving less formula. She said all formula is, is extra calories. I weighed him on the scale with me last weekend and he's 16 pounds already! Sheesh- is that too much? He's defintely filled out but heck, when my baby's hungry I'm gonna feed him! The doctor last time said he was going to be tall and skinny- let's hope they continue with that prediction come next week.

He has been having the most fun with the motor boat with his lips. He's just way too dang smart. He loves to smile and babble. I have been wondering why he hasn't mastered reaching for things, but he does bring his hands out in front of him- so I think he just may need a little more practice. He loves to sit up (with support) and stand with mom and dad's help of course. It's just absolutely amazing to see him grow, learn and become SO busy.

Dave and I have discovered Sam's Club. We absolutely love it. The only thing we would change would be for it to be closer and to own an SUV. We did the math and it saved us quite a bit buying the bigger containers of formula. Of course it was $28.00 but it had 50% more fornula than the other ones we bought, which is a lot better and you save in the long run. Diapers are actually a little cheaper at Walmart- and macaroni and cheese. The thing about Sam's is they make you think you need 500 Q-tips. We'll probably do most of our grocery shopping and baby shopping there, and buy other products at Walmart. My co-worker, Christine was telling me about downloading coupons to your Kroger Plus card- as I got to looking at the selection of coupons, I'm not sure if it's worth it. The diapers I will always take- but heck, some of this stuff you buy a bunch of to just save $0.50. It takes work to save money and to be fairly good at math. Which I am not.

It's been pretty depressing realizing there will not be another 3 day weekend for us til the end of May. And here it is at the end of January and we are ready to be off work again. Makes for a long stretch of 5 day weeks. Going to work sure has been hard for me lately with how Caleb has developed such a fun personality. But I tell myself if it wasn't for me working here, I wouldn't have the free insurance for myself, we didn't have the extra income and wouldn't be able to even talk about children in the near future. Of course Dave is dodging that talk until Caleb is 2 years old- since that's how long I want to wait to even think about going through another pregnancy. 

I will certainly try to get on here more often to update Caleb's rapid growth. Adam and Mel have been trying for a baby for a year now and next month he's going to get checked to see what the reasoning behind their ability to conceive. I feel bad for them. They started trying a couple months after we did and here my son is almost 4 months old and they haven't even had a hint of pregnancy. It really makes me thank god for the unbelivable blessings I have in my life that I don't even feel worthy for.

Til next time...God bless :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy 2011!

Talk about a busy New Year's eve! Dave and I had SO much stuff to do on Friday, it was unreal. He was off on Thursday and watched the baby all day. I probably called him three different times making sure everything was okay. He did very well, he wasn't overwhelmed when I got home that afternoon and even backed up my statement of being home with an infant all day is not as good as you think! Although, now I think Caleb is pretty easy to get along with- you just have to keep him fed and entertained. And that's what Baby Einstein is for!

Friday morning, we got up early, fed our little guy and headed out to the car place to get my breaks and oil changed. That part was a little nerve wracking because they close at noon and I really need to get that stuff done- which is not easy with our already jam-packed morning schedule with work and dropping Caleb off at Pamela's.

We hadn't gone grocery shopping for nearly a month, so needing to go is an understatement. We headed to Walmart and got a crap load of stuff- groceries, baby stuff that Caleb needed with my in-law's generous gift card for him... We got so much crap we had to go out to the car, drop off the groceries and then head back in and get baby stuff we were going to buy as well. While we were in the store, they told us my car was ready- so we headed back to the car place. Dave dropped me off to get my car, and went ahead to the house to start putting away the groceries.

I went home with my car and fed Caleb once again and then helped put away all of our things, which took FOREVER. We still had to go BACK to Walmart to get an exersaucer for Caleb which seemed to be pretty nifty looking- but we had absolutely no car space when went in the first time. I'm talking trunk full along with the back seat. I don't think we've ever gotten that much stuff.

After we all got situatedagain, we headed back out. We went to Pizza Inn and then back to Walmart to buy the exersaucer, and then to come back to start putting that away. We finally threw away our tree. Dave's dad gave it to us after he used it for a while and I can see why the gave it away: the branches were falling down and it looked terrible. It was nice to take it down, throw it away and have the space in our living room back.

It was quite the exhausting day but it was nice to get everything done