Wednesday, April 20, 2011

30 hours in a day please?

Whomever decided there should be 24 hours in a day was obviously not a parent. I can't hardly keep up with my daily chores, much less actually clean bathrooms and the house for when Suzie comes in on Friday. Caleb is having his Easter party today and I had to get stuff for that gathering at Pamela's. We each had to bring in a treat (I got some break and bake cookies) and treats for each of the kids for them to find during their "hunt" in her house. It's hard to find cheapy toys for these kids I don't know very well (but Caleb does). Goodies aren't cheap! She's already sent home a couple of little eastery crafty things- so I'm looking forward to what he brings home when I get off work today... Pamela is so crafty it's like Christmas to us with his keepsakes.

I've been slightly stressed with the Suzie business. Because we cancelled our appointment with getting Caleb's easter pics done- we are going to have my sister or mom do them with her nice camera and I realllly want chicks or ducks in the pictures with us. My dad apparently can get them at Tractor Supply, but someone needs to keep them until they are big enough to release. With it raining every friggin' day, it's stressful to try and figure out which day would be best to take pictures and not get rained on.

I'm trying really hard to be plesant and not be bitchy and not lose my marbles as we're getting ready for her arrival. It's just hard when you have a baby and try to coordinate things. Her flight gets in Louisville- which is a 45 minute drive both ways- and we need to be there by 9:45 when she gets in. Well, that means Caleb needs to get up at a certain time to eat and then make the drive over there. And she is going to go nuts when she sees him of course...and then I'll have to listen to it on the drive back...we'll have to pick up lunch...and then go to Walmart to pick up some things for her to eat since she has a sensitive stomach and can only eat certain things. And she's going to be a baby hog when we go to my parents for Easter on Sunday...and we're going to have to entertain her. I'm really trying to breathe and look at the positive side, but that's hard to do sometimes when she's around. She's mostly nice- but is a big center of attentioner. So we'll see...might not be that bad. I tend to stress over little things.

So, Caleb has gotten SO good at sitting up by himself. He's gotten really good at correcting himself when he feels like he's going to topple over. Even in the grass when Dave and I are playing a yard game- he loves to just sit there and watch us or the dog. He LOVES Lucas- it is so sweet to listen to him squel when he sees Lucas.
Two nights in a row now, the storms have woken us up in the middle of the night...with that, many people have been filing claims and work has been busy and draggy (not a good combo)- I am just ready to be off so I can continue trying to get the house in some sort of working order. I hate it when you feel like you're working your ass off on something and getting no where. C'mon 4:30 so I can rush home and see what Caleb got from his Easter party!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Whil-wind weekend

This weekend went by so fast I think I need another day off just to catch up on things I didn't get to do!

Friday I got to leave work early to take Caleb to his 6 month check up appointment. The pediatrician we saw was very nice, she was the one that came up to the hospital when I was having such a hard time with him being in the NICU. So I was really looking forward to seeing her again. The appointment went pretty well- Dave met us at the office- it's nice to have another set of ears when we go to the appointments and Daddy always gets the best smiles from our boy!

Caleb was in the 90th percentile with his head, weight and length. He's a BIG boy! The nurse really pissed me off when I got there. I had Pamela take his temp and then give him some tylenol so he's not in so much pain when the shots finally come. Well, apparently I shouldn't have given that information to the nurse. She gave me this really big lecture as to why I wasn't supposed to give tylenol before he came in- just in case he had a fever. I felt like saying, "Bitch, he wouldn't be here if he had a fever- don't lecture me and tell me what to do!" Instead, I just kept quiet and reminded myself to not let them know he had tylenol when he goes in for his 9 month shots.

Anyway, he did really well, is grabbing things like she wanted him to do, is rolling both ways like he should and his sleep patterns are up to par. Although, I should have asked about naps. She did mention something I did agree with, but people on my October birth board didn't much agree with. She said, he may wake up in the middle of the night, just because. She told me to not get in the habit of feeding him in the middle of the night again. She said, he's not hungry, sometimes it's teething pain, sometimes they just want to scream. She said to wait it out, and of course if they seem to be in pain or need a diaper change- that's fine, but to not create bad habits with rocking him, etc. I agree. Before Caleb started to sleep through the night he did this- he would wake up an hour before our alarm went off and basically just wanted to snuggle with us in the bed. Finally, we turned off his baby monitor and turned it back on 10 minutes later, just to see. Eventually he went back to sleep. They are very intitive creatures and we've never had a problem since. Try telling that to the birth board im apart of! They'll tear you a new asshole- take a chill pill people, he's in the 90th percentile- he's certainly not starved!

Apparently the foreskin started grow back again and she had to pull the skin back causing him to not like that very much. And of course the shots are never fun, but he actually cried for a little bit and got over it pretty quickly. Tylenol is the best. He slept on the way home and stayed alseep. It was nice outside, so I rolled down the windows and let him snooze. Of course I checked on him often but I didn't want him to wake up since we were about to head right back out anyway to Kennedy's 10th birthday party.

He was SO good. We ate a quick bite, whilst he the gifts together, gathered some things for him, including his float for his first POOL experience, gathered my post pregnancy fat-ass bathing suit and we were off! And let me tell you, I am GLAD we don't have to go to Lexington for work because rush hour is out of this world. We would have more accidents for sure!

The pool experience was an interesting one! He was not a big fan of it. He's used to his warm bath water and when we put him in a pool (indoor) that is a tinge on the cooler side, he did not much care for it. He was fine when he was being cuddled by momma or daddy but he was scared to death. I do want to get him in some swimming classes eventually and start getting him used to being under water. I didn't have the heart to dunk him after he freaked out from being in the water in the first place. We did keep him in there for a while and he seemed OK with it, but still wasn't thrilled. I think part of the problem was the 100s of kids splashing and yelling in the pool. That certainly didn't help. We certainly put him through a lot with his shots and then throwing him in a pool!

The birthday fun came afterwards, Casey's friend Brandi came with her kids and Caleb LOVED all her kids. He kept grabbing her son and daughter and loving on them. He just loves little people. The party last WAYYY past bedtime and we still had a 40 minute drive in the rain to drive in. We promised Mouse she could spend the night so we had to gather her and then hit the road. Her job was to keep Caleb awake on the way home and she did a very good job! We ran over to Arby's and picked up some dinner. It SUCKED driving the back roads in the rain, and being up since 5:30 and going non stop with work, the doctor, the party, the pool- I was pretty tired...

The first thing Mouse wanted to do was the watch Ghostbusters...of course we had to PAUSE it so she could help get Caleb ready for bed. She helped wash him, put his lotion on him, her and Dave read him a bed time story and he was out like a light. She wanted to finish watching her movie and she wanted to play Memory. Dave and I kept cheating while she wasn't looking because it was nearing midnight and we were tired. But we just HAD to finish the game...Next time, we'll hit the store and get Chutes and Ladders.

Around 8 Caleb started babbling, we brought him in the bed so he wouldn't wake Mouse- she got up soon after and we discovered Ren and Stimpy was on our instant qhue. I loved that show as a kid. She wanted to watch a horse cartoon show- which was a real riot. She did help feed Caleb his cereal which she had never done before- helped burp him, wanted to watch him play. She was just a joy to have around! Her and Dave went and got some over priced breakfast...

Oh, I forgot to mention- we were supposed to get some easter pics done. With Caleb and some cute bunnies...well, apparently to get a disc of 12 pictures it costed $500.00. Saturday I talked to the manager and he fed me a load of BS about how great their pictures were and all that jazz. We looked into JCPennys and they charge $50.00 for a one picture disc and they dont even have any damn bunnies! What a crock. Casey, when she had the puppies, traded a pup for a nice SLR camera and offered to take some pics at my parents house for us.

Anywho, while all that jazz was going on, Mouse watched a total of 9 episodes of her horse cartoon- While Caleb napped Dave stayed home with him and I took Mouse to Ghatti's Pizza- we ate (she friggin ate cottage cheese at a PIZZA place) and she played some arcade games and then we went back home so she could watch more horse episodes. Caleb had his lunch, played with Mouse and went down for his afternoon nap (he was napping WELL since he got his shots the day before) Dave and I actually napped a little while she watched her show.

We were supposed to meet with Casey at my parents' house and possibly see the new house they are moving into. I promised Mouse I would let her pick something out at the dollar store (she said "Noonee, I dont want you spending your money on me- I hope i'm not asking too much" SO SWEET) Pamela called while we were in there and kept yapping, I could NOT get her off the phone. We were in there for 25 minutes- Dave actually called while we were checking out. (He was out in the car with the baby). It cracked me up because on their side of the car it was nothing but fog where they had been breathing. CRACKED. ME. UP.

We got to mom and dad's house- mom watched Caleb while we went to bumfuckegypt to see Casey's house- which I really like...Im excited they now have a barn and tack room. They are renting until they get back on their feet. It is WAYYY in the boonies but it's pretty nice- sounds like they have some good ideas for the place.
Sunday, Dave's dad called- he STILL hadn't done his taxes- they were due THAT day. He had an opportunity to get them done free in Shelbyville but he didnt want to try and find the place- so he wanted Dave to do them for him. He was going to drive his piece of shit to Frankfort so Dave could do them and then have to pay us for the filing fee. Of course, he's worried about his car and if he has a tow truck he's worried about being able to get in the tow truck and then would have to call Dave to drive him back home. It's a MESS. And that's not all. The dumbass sent out a bill that wasn't supposed to go out and he cleaned out his bank account. So he had to go to one of those crazy check into cash places to get some money in his bank account so he doesn't bounce a bunch of checks.

So, in conclusion we went over there to pick up his paper work for his taxes so he can shut the fuck up about things. And he hasn't gotten his ass over to see Caleb since Christmas day. Such a loser. We went over there and Caleb freaked out when he held him. He didnt know who he was. All he did was hold him, he didnt play with him or anything. We were glad to get out of there. We headed to Walmart and Big Lots to pick up some groceries and things for Caleb's easter party, got Mickey D's and just collapsed when we got home. Dave was in a horrible mood- sometimes things with his dad really gets to him. And i hate that his dad has to be this way. He's a taker and it's all about him.

Now, we're gearing up for a busy short week. Dave's mom is flying in on Friday, we need to drop his car off to get worked on, Caleb's easter party at Pamela's is going on on Wednesday, the house is a wreck...I spent most of the afternoon after work mowing- today, it's picking up last minute party crap and doing regular house hold chores. AND it's supposed to rain most of the time Suzie is here...Ah, the life of a working mom with in-laws that live far away!

Til next time...time to go pump!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Rainy Day

Okay, I am SICK and tired of the rain! This April has already hit the record books as the rainiest april and we're only half way through. This leads to lots and lots of mowing...

Dave and I did something last night that we hadn't done in a really long time. Not that! Get your mind out of the gutter! We went to bed before 10:00 last night. Caleb was a PILL yesterday. He slept some at Pamelas and did not want to take his nap. When Dave gets home from work, he feeds him if she hadn't fed him recently and puts him down for a nap since we moved his bed time to 8:45. Anywho, it felt good when we woke up this morning. It just sucks because we literally can't do day consists of getting up at 5:30, get him fed, ready, get myself ready for work, get off at 4:30- wait to get him up from his nap around 5:30- get dinner made while spending time with him- til we start getting him ready for bed at 7:45 and that's it. I'm ZONKED. I'm usually lucky to get to bed at 10:45- but I let everything else go and got our asses in bed...

It's almost time for me to leave work to get my little man and head to get his shots. It'll be a fun weekend: after his shots we're shooting over to lexington to celebrate Kennedy's 10th birthday. It'll be Caleb's first pool experience. Then we're bringing Madison home with us and she'll be Caleb's first over night guest. Tomorrow we're getting Easter pics done and might head to the mall to see the easter bunny...Busy but fun weekend! Let's hope he's not a terror after his shots today!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

6 months

So much has changed since my last post. I keep telling myself I need to post more often, but do I? Nooooo

Our big boy is half of a year old! It's hard to believe that he's that big already. He is going in for his 6 month doctor's appointment tomorrow and we're actually looking forward to seeing his measurements and how much he's grown. At his 4 month visit I took his temp at Pamela's and then gave him tylenol and that really did the trick. He cried a little but fell alsleep in the car on the way home and wasn't hardly fussy at all that night. That's what we plan on doing tomorrow. We are actually using the doctor that came to visit us in the hospital when I was having such a hard time with him being in the NICU

Lots of developmental milestones have been met since my last post. At 4 1/2 months old he rolled over! He pretty much mastered the rolling from stomach to back skill and he rolled from back to front the very next day he started rolling over- but he did it without us realizing it. We laid him on his jungle mat and left the room for a little while...came back and he was on his stomach! He rolled without us even seeing it! It's amazing how milestones can be reached just like that. He's been such a rolly boy since. It's funny how you can put him on his back and a minute later he's on his belly making grunting noises. Just here recently, he's started getting from a laying down position to sitting up. He's so strong and any day now will be able to sit up on his own. He can steady himself for a while without support, so I'm not sure what qualifies as sitting up on his own or not.

He took a spill the weekend he started rolling over- so to me it was a while ago. He fell out of his swing- i guess he wasn't buckled in very well and just toppled out. He wailed, but we didnt go to him right away because he had been teething that weekend and we thought that was why he was crying..WRONG. By the time we checked on him, he was over it and laying on the ground. I really wanted to talk him to the ER and Dave told me I was over reacting. I guess I was because he was fine. We researched online to see what  I should watch for. I felt like such a bad mother that day... it's hard to find that fine line between not being neglectful and also not coming at every cry. Although a falling out of the swing cry vs a teething cry sound very similar!

As far as breast feeding goes, we have been trudging by. He isn't spitting up as badly anymore. I am still trying to keep dairy intake at a minimum. I haven't had a bowl of cereal in god knows how long, I do eat ice cream every once in a while and when I do I usually pay the price with spitting up. I'm not sure why all of a sudden he has decided to behave with his spitting up...the only thing I absolutely cannot give up dairy wise is cheese. He would just have to live with spitting up if I had to quit eating cheese. You don't think about it until you actually have to start cutting it out of your diet.

Eating solids have been going very well. He absolutely LOVES mac and cheese. He usually eats a whole stage 2 container and part of another one every day. He still hasn't learned when to turn away from a spoon when he's full though- he'll eat and eat from the spoon til you get tired of feeding him. We've been introducing sign langage to his vocabulary. I had to really get Pamela on board since she's around him all day while we are at work. He's been watching his "baby signing time" DVD and David gets so irritated by the songs they sing. I think persistance is key with it, even though it feels like he doesn't understand what the hell we are doing with our hand gestures. I think it'll be a good thing.

Tomorrow Caleb is going to his first birthday party. Well, we all are. Two of his cousins have birthdays in April and we are having a joint pool party for them tomorrow. Jackson turned 7 on April fools day and Kennedy turns 10 today (hard to believe!). We're going to meet a hotel tomorrow and we get to experience what Caleb's first pool experience is!It's going to be interesting because he gets his shots right before we go to Lexington for that get-together. And with taking no nap. I may be a little crazy putting everyone through that. But what can you do? You can;t just not have a life just because you have a baby- right?

So april fools day was a HOOT. I played the best trick ever on Dave. Christine here at work peed on a stick (shes pregnant) and I took it home and told Dave I might be pregnant. When he encouraged me to pee on a stick I took out Christine's positive test, showed it to him and he had a surprise of a life time. It was a good test to see how he would really react to being pregnant so soon after giving birth. He looked pretty damn nervous- happy- but nervous and actually wanted me to take a real pregnancy test to prove that it was indeed negative. Trust me, with the morning sickness i had right away, I knew when I was pregnant!