Wednesday, April 20, 2011

30 hours in a day please?

Whomever decided there should be 24 hours in a day was obviously not a parent. I can't hardly keep up with my daily chores, much less actually clean bathrooms and the house for when Suzie comes in on Friday. Caleb is having his Easter party today and I had to get stuff for that gathering at Pamela's. We each had to bring in a treat (I got some break and bake cookies) and treats for each of the kids for them to find during their "hunt" in her house. It's hard to find cheapy toys for these kids I don't know very well (but Caleb does). Goodies aren't cheap! She's already sent home a couple of little eastery crafty things- so I'm looking forward to what he brings home when I get off work today... Pamela is so crafty it's like Christmas to us with his keepsakes.

I've been slightly stressed with the Suzie business. Because we cancelled our appointment with getting Caleb's easter pics done- we are going to have my sister or mom do them with her nice camera and I realllly want chicks or ducks in the pictures with us. My dad apparently can get them at Tractor Supply, but someone needs to keep them until they are big enough to release. With it raining every friggin' day, it's stressful to try and figure out which day would be best to take pictures and not get rained on.

I'm trying really hard to be plesant and not be bitchy and not lose my marbles as we're getting ready for her arrival. It's just hard when you have a baby and try to coordinate things. Her flight gets in Louisville- which is a 45 minute drive both ways- and we need to be there by 9:45 when she gets in. Well, that means Caleb needs to get up at a certain time to eat and then make the drive over there. And she is going to go nuts when she sees him of course...and then I'll have to listen to it on the drive back...we'll have to pick up lunch...and then go to Walmart to pick up some things for her to eat since she has a sensitive stomach and can only eat certain things. And she's going to be a baby hog when we go to my parents for Easter on Sunday...and we're going to have to entertain her. I'm really trying to breathe and look at the positive side, but that's hard to do sometimes when she's around. She's mostly nice- but is a big center of attentioner. So we'll see...might not be that bad. I tend to stress over little things.

So, Caleb has gotten SO good at sitting up by himself. He's gotten really good at correcting himself when he feels like he's going to topple over. Even in the grass when Dave and I are playing a yard game- he loves to just sit there and watch us or the dog. He LOVES Lucas- it is so sweet to listen to him squel when he sees Lucas.
Two nights in a row now, the storms have woken us up in the middle of the night...with that, many people have been filing claims and work has been busy and draggy (not a good combo)- I am just ready to be off so I can continue trying to get the house in some sort of working order. I hate it when you feel like you're working your ass off on something and getting no where. C'mon 4:30 so I can rush home and see what Caleb got from his Easter party!

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